Reunited Forever...
On September 15th, 2022, my mother, Leona Burger (Sadorf) has been eternally reunited with my father, Kenneth Burger. As inevitable as...

The Way We Say Goodbye...
It is with a heavy heart that I said goodbye to the most influential man in my life. On July 9th, 2019, while I was working on what was...

Picture This...
In today's instant gratification, media-rich avalanche of information assaulting our minds, you have a half-a-second to catch the attent

Loving what you do... Your passion
Dad taught me at a very young age, if you’re going to do something, do it right. To the best of your ability. There’s nothing worse than...

Are We Alone...?
Science fiction great, Arthur C. Clarke, said: “Two possibilities exist; either we are alone in the universe or we are not. Both are...

RIP Bullit the Dog
**UPDATE: I received a very nice text over the weekend from Bullit's humans, thanking me for moving the little one to a safe place so...

Agency or Freelance Designer? Why?
Why a Freelancer? Why not? Whether you're searching digitally online, or considering brick-and-mortar agencies for marketing and...

Learning on the Fly
As an author, one can never stop learning, never stop researching, never stop working to improve one's craft. That includes future work,...

Revisions, Rewrites and Corrections
Revisions and rewrites. How do you know when it's time to stop? At any given time, there are endless scenes running through my head. But,...